Note: SECTION 2, #115 was added on 5/18/10. D. A. Carson is one of my favorite preachers. I listen to him for his depth, his piercing application, his good exegesis, his biblical theological connections, and his centrality on Christ and the gospel. He has written many articles and books that I’ve found edifying and informative. This picture was taken at the time Don Carson visited Torrance, CA in January 2007.
You can get all D.A. Carson audio that is available on the web at The Gospel Coalition website. The reason I’ll keep updating this page is because the way it is categorized there is topical and textual, not by the occasion where he spoke it. It is hard to find certain series to listen to as a series, so I’ll continue to post them here as the series in which they are given.
The site “Shall We Sing for You” is where there are many of the mp3 downloads that I got for this post (numbers 25-39).
You can also find sermons by Don Carson at Andy Naselli’s blog that came out two months after this post. I think I have all of them listed but it may be updated so check it out. Please use it to get more. He also lists the MP3’s for sale from Christwaymedia.com.
Monergism.com, an excellent site, also has Carson MP3 listings. I think I have all of these but it may be updated.
SECTION 1: Here are some sermons or lectures that cannot be downloaded on MP3 but listened to on the web (or downloaded as a wave file, #5-6):
Openness of God Theology: 1. Portrait of a Limited God (part 1)
Biblical Theology
Sermons on 1 Peter (this cannot righteously be stored on the computer but can be listened to from the website. It is only up temporarily).
The interpretation of the Bible in a Postmodern World (part 1a) – Listen online for free, to download you have to pay.
SECTION 2: You can download these sermons on MP3 from this post:
Moses intercessory prayer (Exodus 32-34) – I haven’t heard it yet.
Installation of Steve Matthewson – This sermon is less than 30 minutes, but gives great emphasis to the pastoral charge of valuing, protecting, and propogating the gospel that was entrusted to us. Preached at Carson’s home church in Illinois.
This series, Sacred and Sure, is a series on postmodernism from bethinking.org, another great website and resource for Christians:
Foundations of knowing (26.8 MB)
The talking God (18.73MB)
Tough Talk (30.2MB)
The love of God (25.4MB)
Understanding Postmodernism from a Confessional Stance
Postmodernism part 1 (about 20MB)
Postmodernism part 2 (about 22 MB)
Part 1 (16 MB)
Part 2 (19 MB)
Postmodernism workshop (22 MB)
Why Trust a Cross? (About 18 MB) – click here for outline
The ironies of the Cross (a sermon from Matthew 27:27-50). I heard this same material presented at The Master’s Seminary and was blessed tremendously. (THIS LINK IS NOT WORKING AND A SIMILAR SERMON CAN BE FOUND BELOW ON #’s 66, 71, 84 and 95 – PJ, 3/21/09)
The intolerance of tolerance– a good description of the old tolerance and the new tolerance in our culture today influenced by postmodernism and philosophical pluralism. It exposes the hypocrisy and inadequacy of the new tolerance.
Jesus the Word of God John 1:1-18 – click here to see the sermon outline
Openness of God theology – Notes for the lecture here
Sin and the Fall (Genesis 3) (14 MB) – sermon outline
Even so, Come Lord Jesus (Revelation 21:1-22:6) (15 MB) – Click here for the Outline
The So-Called New Pauline Perspective Critiqued (The links are working again- 3/25/07).
“Hard Texts: Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That?” Lectures at Southern Seminary
Christian Life Conference talks of D. A. Carson (with Walt Kaiser)
Sermons on Revelation – Doctrine of the Last Things (from the Monergism website) – (like #’s 31, 39, 43, and 74)
3 other sermons by Carson preached at The Round Church at St. Andrew the Great in Cambridge:
The Lord of the Sabbath (Matt. 12:1-14)
The Bread of Life (John 6)
Laughing All the Way From the Bank (2 Cor. 8:1-9:15)
The Role of the Elder (from 9Marks.org)
Doubting Thomas (John 20:24-31) at SBTS.edu in one of the chapel services, I just can’t remember which semester.
The Supremacy of Christ and Love in a Postmodern world – go to the Desiring God website.
On the Emergent Church:
On being preapared for suffering and evil (5 pillars for the Christian to hold together)
Evangelism in the 21st century
1998 Pastor’s Conference (like #’s 20, 39, 43, and 74)
8 part Series on Revelation (preached in Northern Ireland; like #’s 20, 31, 43, and 74):
Go to Allsouls website and register with your email to access 5 sermons by D.A. Carson, one of which is not in the previous list.
Trials James 1:1-18 preached at the Bible Church of Little Rock
What makes you great (Matt. 11:2-19) preached at the Bible Church of Little Rock
Vision of a Transcendent God (Revelation 4 and 5 respectively) preached at the Bible Church of Little Rock (like #’s 20, 31, 39, and 74)
Is the Emergent Church Biblical? Lecture given at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Outgoing Imperative for World Mission Lecture given at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
The Cross and Christian Ministry (Acts 17:16-34) (Preached 10/8/06)
D.A. Carson discusses the Emerging Church in Australia
Christian Living in the Last Days (2 Tim. 3:1-4:5)
The Christian Perspective of Just War
Here’s Carson’s sermon at the PCRT conference in Sacramentocalled, “The Saving Word” from James 1:12-20.
Three lectures here by D. A. Carson on the primacy of expository preaching given at the Bethlehem Conference for Pastors in 1995.
How to Think about Pastors (left click to download), 1 Tim. 3:1-7 – preached on the Lord’s day, May 20, 2007 – preached at College Church at Wheaton, Illinois.
How to think about money – 1 Timothy 6:3-19 (left click to download)- Preached 5/27/07 at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois.
How to think about the Last Days (left click to download) – preached 6/3/07 at College Church
What is the Gospel? – preached at the 2007 Gospel Coalition Conference in May. “In this audio from the first session of the inaugural Gospel Coalition conference, watch as Dr. Don Carson of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School talks on just exactly “what is the Gospel?” In this audio, Dr. Carson lists eight summarizing words that help to define the Gospel, five clarifying sentence to differentiate the Gospel from what it is not, and one evocative summary. We pray that as you hear Dr. Carson’s words you will learn what it means to truly be about the Gospel and to experience the transformation that inevitably accompanies it.” You can download or watch the video by going to the Resurgence Website. You can see a transcript of the message as well.
What is the gospel coalition? Click here and click on “Plans and Purposes of the Gospel Coalition” to watch the video.
What is an Evangelical? An assessment of the Evangelical and Roman Catholic Project
At All Souls Church, Carsonpreached these sermons (you have to go to the site to download them)
The God who Helps (Psalm 40) – also posted at least twice above
The God who answers (1 Kings 18:1-46)
Gospel focus: the ironies of the Cross – Matt. 27:27-42 (also posted above preached somewhere else)
The Christian in complete armor – Eph. 6:10-20 (also preached somewhere else – see #70)
The Wind Blows – John 3:1-21
Carson interviewed on faith and the gospel on the White Horse Inn.
Download here.
If that doesn’t work, go here and register.
D. A. Carson speaks on “Distorting the Love of God” spoken at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1998, the lecture he may have referred to in his insightful and helpful book, The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God.
2004 Missions Conference – “Missions as the Triumph of the Lamb” from Reformed Theological Seminary (7 sermons on Revelation- like #’s 20, 31, 39, and 43)
What is the gospel? (At the Castle 2007)
Sermons on Jeremiah (At the Castle 2007)
My Lord and My God (John 20:24-31, preached in 3/07 at Soaring Oaks Presbyterian Church)
Streams of Living Water (John 7:37-39) – left click to download – This one is not a repeat message like some of the others above so download this one.
2008 Bethlehem Conference for Pastors(Audio or video)
The Pastor as Son of the Heavenly Father (left click to follow link – audio only at this point)
The Pastor as son of his earthly father (left click)
The Pastor as father of his family and his flock (left click)
Panel Discussion (left click)
What is Evangelicalism? was delivered 1/28/08 in Toronto at Grace Fellowship Church. It is 76 minutes long and has been posted in my previous list at #68 delivered at a different venue.
College Church Sermons 2008 (on 2 Thessalonians)
The Supremacy of Christ (left click to download) from 2 Thessalonians chapter 1. This was preached at College Church on the first Sunday of March 2008.
Waiting for the Last Time (left click to download) from 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. This was preached at College Church on the second Sunday of March 2008.
Waiting in the mean time (left click to download) from 2 Thessalonians chapter 3. This was preached at College Church on the third Sunday of March 2008
Sermons on Matthew (2 of which were preached at other venues and listed above)
What Makes You Greater than King David? Matthew 11:2-19
The Dissatisfied, the Smug and the Broken Matthew 11:16-30
How to Wait for the End Matthew 24:36 – 25:46
Biblical Theology (James Steinbach asked to link to his page and not the files directly, so you have to go there to get these):
The Cross and Christian Theology
Open Questions on the OT in the NT
Two Testaments, One Bible
Clarus conferenceat Desert Springs Church
An Apostolic Disputation – and Justification – D.A. Carson
Panel Discussion A – D.A. Carson and Michael Horton
Justification/Righteousness and the Cross of Christ – D.A. Carson
Panel Discussion B, Pt. 1 – D.A. Carson and Michael Horton
Panel Discussion B, Pt. 2 – D.A. Carson and Michael Horton
“The Ironies of the Cross” – D.A. Carson
D. A. Carson on the Authority of Scripture [at the reFocus conferencegiven April 2008 on 2 Timothy 3:10-17] – video|audio
Two talks at Xenos Summer Institute. The Title of the Conference was “True to the Word, True to Our Mission”
D. A. Carson spoke on the issue of Postmodernism and its Impact on Christianity in Singapore this past week at St. John-St. Margaret Church (Anglican).
The Night of Questions (John 3:1-21)– Preached at Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto on August 6, 2008.
Carson was interviewed for his book on Christ and Culture. (For Carson’s 4 lectures on “Christ and Culture” see #119 below).
Difficult New Testament Passages(left-click). See the outline of the talk.
Trials and Temptations (James 1)– preached at Evanston Bible Fellowship (10/26/08)
4 talks from Proclamation trust for free – two on Genesis 39, Isaiah 6, and 2 Samuel 7. You have to register with them.
Studies in Revelation – preached at Aberystywth Conferencein August 8-11, 1995
Studies in John – preached at Aberystywth Conferencein August 11-14, 1992
He spoke in Seattle for The Resurgence.
An Interview with Mark Driscoll – download direct: audio | video
Session 1 – Romans 3:21-26 – “The Center of the Whole Bible” – download direct: audio| video
Session 2 – Revelation 12 – “The Strange Triumph of the Slaughtered Lamb” – audio|video
Session 3 – John 11 – “A Miracle Full of Surprises” – audio|video
Session 4 – John 20:24-31 – “Why Doubt the Resurrection of Jesus” – audio|video
Session 5 – Matthew 27:27-51 – “The Ironies of the Cross” – audio|video
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Commencement address: The First Thing to Do in Your Ministry (Deut. 17:14-20)[preached on 12/19/08]
UCCF Staff Training Conference (Jan 5-8, 2009):
Preaching through Bible Books – This is from a conference in 2003 called, “Katoomba Christian Conference Centenary (Sydney, Australia).” D.A. Carson lectured on 12 points in preaching through a book of the Bible. You can listen to the audio by downloading the message here(left-click). This is taken from The Gospel Coalition website.
(These points assume you’ve already picked the book, though that is an important consideration in how to pick that. No particular order of importance among some of these 12 points.)
(1:38 ) – Read and re-read and re-read and re-read and re-read the book. – It’s a mistake to read the book once and then start reading commentaries (Read it in English and the original language).
(3:11) – Ideally start the process early. Give time to re-reading, meditation, and saturation.
(4:58 ) – Eschew the division of head and heart.
(6:14) – Early on attain sufficient grasp of the book that you can succinctly state (a) what the book is about, (b) what this book contributes to the canon that overlaps with what other books bring to the canon, and (c) what distinctive things this book brings to the canon. (All these things need to be thought about simultaneously. This is what brings clarity and precision). Scan biblical theologies on the book to get a large scale picture of the book.
(11:10) – At roughly the same time determine (a) the number of sermons you’ll devote to the book and (b) the large scale outline of the book insofar as it impinges on your text boundaries for each sermon (11:10).
(19:27) – Start working on individual sermon preparation (either in advance or week by week). Ideally work on the text first. A. (23:26) – Ideally develop note taking techniques. This keeps your tools sharp and keeps your files for resources for future ministry (writing, preaching, evangelism, etc.); B. (29:32) – from these detailed exegetical notes (Note for young preachers: you must determine and discipline yourself to leave stuff out). You need to know what to leave out. The sermon is the best of the material and the highlights of what you learned. The aim is to think through what contributes to the burden of that text; C. Work on the text’s structure. Work on it so that it is fresh and appealing and helpful.
(32:27) – Each sermon must simultaneously stand alone and constitute a part of the series.
(33:34) – Remember the different contributions of a Paul House (corpus/book) biblical theology and a Charles Scobie (thematic) biblical theology.
(38:11) – Recognize that there may be special study and focus necessary for certain books (historical, cultural, literary genre, etc).
(42:32) – Ideally try to make your sermon material reflect in some way the genre of the book you are treating.
(44:24) – Remember constantly that this is not an exercise in artistic creation. The sermon is not an end in itself, but it is a re-revelation of God to his people. This means that as you prepare you ought to be thinking about the people to whom you are ministering.
(50:28 ) – ideally keep revising, praying, preparing so that it is not so much that you have mastered the material as that it has mastered you. There is a way of preaching that projects an image of being an expert and an image of being captured by the text.
“Observing Evangelicalism with Don Carson” [9Marks interview, posted 11/2508]
Omaha Bible Church’s conference on suffering
This is from the 2009 Different By Design Conference put on by CBMW
Evangelicals and the Church: An Authentic Unity (EMA 2000) – Left Click to download
Carson on the scholar as pastor:
Carson at The Gospel Coalition Conference 2009 – “That By All Means I Might Win Some’: Faithfulness and Flexibility in Gospel Proclamation” (1 Corinthians 9:19-23) – audio|video
Carson at Union University on the Use of the OT in the NT through three passages in Hebrews:
D.A. Carson asked good questions at the New Word Alive Conferenceabout the New Perspectives on Paul, what’s missing in Tom Wright’s gospel presentation, call to the ministry, reforming a church, how to train up elders in a church, federal headship, and a bunch of other stuff.
“The Rich Man and Lazarus” (Luke 16:19-31)| MP3 | preached on May 17, 2009 at College Church in Wheaton, IL
D.A. Carson on the Good Samaritan(from The Gospel Coalition’s page on D.A. Carson Resources)
Faith Bible Church2002 Springfield Conference:
Proclaiming the Gospel and Performing Deeds of Mercy(mp3 here)
Showing the Spirit (lectures on 1 Cor. 12-14 in 1985 at Moore College)
The unity of the body and diversity of the gifts (1 Cor. 12)
The Most Excellent Way – or, When does perfection come (1 Cor 13)
Order and authority: restraining spiritual gifts (1 Cor 14:26-40)
Unleashed power and the constraints of discipline: toward a theology of Spiritual Gifts
At Moore College – Sermon at Family Service – September 1985 – Ephesians 3:14-21
Carson interviewed on studying theology– Mike Reeves asks Carson about the dangers vs benefits, in-church training vs seminaries, where one should get his or her first degree, how pastors should continue their theological education, etc.
Basic Baptist Beliefs (from The Gospel Coalition):
Qualifications for Pastors and Deacons
Partakers of the Age to Come (Eph 1.15-23)(preached 3/7/2010) (right click to go to the link, you have to register to download)
Doubting Thomas (John 20.24-31)(listed several times above, this one was preached 3/4/2010)
Five lectures on The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25) (from The Gospel Coalition Website) (left click to download)
Christ and Culture (taught at Moore Collegein April 2008).
Entrusted with the GospelA Sermon Series on 2 Timothy (December 31, 2010 at Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students) HT: Thanks to Daniel Page in the comments for this.
How Christians Preserve the gospel – 2 Timothy 1.1-2.2 (video|audio)
How Christians Preserve Gospel Priorities 2 Timothy 2.2-26 (video|audio)
How Christians Live out the Gospel in the last days – 2 Timothy 3.1-4.8 (video|audio)
How Christians on their way to the Heavenly Kingdom think about people – 2 Timothy 4.9-22 (video|audio)
Don Carson’s lecture on Evangelicalismat ETS in 2009. I can’t find the audio or the independent video file, but the video file is embedded in Justin Taylor’s blog post.
Keswick ’10 Sermons on Matthew. These are links to the video that you can only watch by streaming and not by downloading.
New Word Alive 2008 (4 sermons covering 1 John). These are links to the video that you can only watch by streaming and not by downloading.
Love in Action: A Tale of Dead Faith, Luke 8:4-15– This link to the video you can only watch by streaming and not by downloading.
Aspects of Ministerial Life (Irish Preachers Conference, 2006)
If any links don’t work anymore please let me know by leaving a comment. Also, if you know of any other D. A. Carson online sermons, please let me know so I can update the post. May your faith increase as you hear the word of Christ through this servant! Grace be with you.