Should Parents Spank their Children? My 3 kids share in this audio interview displaying the goodness of Christian theology in the home
Should Parents Spank their Children? My 3 kids share in this audio interview displaying the goodness of Christian theology in the home.
The Bible says, "The one who will not use the rod hates his son, but the one who loves him disciplines him diligently." "Foolishness is bound to the heart of a youth; a rod of discipline will separate it from him." "A rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a youth left to himself is a disgrace to his mother" Proverbs 13.24, 22.15, 29.15).
I interview my 3 kids ages 7-11 on the topic of spanking in the home. It's our first run at this and it's a 15 minute time limit and we ran out of time! We'll probably redo this episode or do another one expanding on the topic so leave a comment or question that we can interact with!
It's on YouTube, Soundcloud, and Spreaker with the links below: