Together for the Gospel (T4G): Its Beginning and End
Mark Dever, Lig Duncan, Al Mohler, and CJ Mahaney talk Church Cooperation as they Prepared for the First T4G Conference
I was in an extended conversation with some dear brothers on the blessing and ending of the Together for the Gospel Conference, the reasons it ended, what united us then, what could or should be uniting us now, and how it could’ve continued and whether it should’ve. It was a thought and feeling provoking time for me. I want to further reflect on it and write down some of my thoughts on it. But before I write or post my thoughts on this I wanted to pull together some of the core conversations and insights from the brothers who led the conference to frame and inform my thoughts on it. So here are a bunch of resources from the beginning of the conference and one key conversation that frames the ending of the conference.
First, here’s a 9Marks interview discussing cooperation in the church. 9Marks describes this conversation:
Four veterans go a few rounds on the subject of cooperation among evangelicals & their churches. Listen to Mark Dever, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan and CJ Mahaney talk about where they can and cannot cooperate as church leaders. Mark writes, “This is one of my favorite conversations we’ve been able to record. We had already been together for several hours and the conversation just flowed.”
Next we have some key videos from the 2006 conference.
Here is a conversation between the last two founders officially leading the conference:
Here is another perspective from a brother who was directing and leading the conference behind the scenes: